These days, it’s popular to think of oneself as a “Rule Breaker” … a “Rebel;” and, to some extent, that’s fun and exciting. Truthfully, where can we as writers hedge and when must the rules be doggedly followed in order to be...
A journalism and corporate writing background conditioned me into thinking I was ready to swim out to the Island of Non-Fiction and string up a nice hammock between two palms. I’d drop a lobster trap off the rocky side of the island, carefully keep my matches dry, and...
Right off the bat, I need to let you know that I haven’t conducted a Gallup Poll about who does and doesn’t read romance novels. I’m not basing my opinion on any audience measurement, or public-opinion tallies or anything else quite so snooty-wooty. My theory evolved...
Personally, I don’t see how we can survive these days without the Land of Ish. I mean, think about it. You’re due in a meeting at work at a certain time, say nine o’clock. You did everything you should have done to be there on time – got up early, out the door on...
Commas have never intentionally hurt you, have they? Okay, maybe you made a bad grade or two on a school paper because you used the two-inch rule; that is, you placed a comma every two inches on your term paper just to show your instructor you were seriously trying....