Verella awoke to the sound of her wrist ringing. Her wrist wasn’t really ringing, but the compact instrument strapped to it demanded her attention in a screechy, nagging tenor. “Yes?” she whispered groggily, pushing her RESpond button. Her other hand rubbed her temple...
One dreadful inspiring morning at a writing seminar long ago, I emerged from a face-to-face editor session feeling as though I were stepping out the door and onto a parade float. For a few minutes, I could have sworn I was wearing a pageant gown, a tiara, and a...
The truth is, cacti can be the best of times and the worst of times. It can represent the age of wisdom or the age of foolishness. *forgive me Charles Dickens* The Best of Times/Age of Wisdom Cacti as Food Nopales, a fancy name for young cactus pads of the prickly...
News is stressful. Hatred. Violence. Tragedy. All proclaimed to us nonstop from television, smart devices, word-of-mouth, newspapers or magazines. How can we cope? Pick one: Develop a la la la . . . don’t worry . . . be happy attitude – Just keep right on...