My childhood as the only girl on an Arizona ranch could get downright lonesome. Television and radio reception were nonexistent, and all the wonderful gadgets of today weren’t yet invented. Friends were far away, so play dates and overnighters were as scarce as green...
I found this recipe online, Jodi-ized it, and now I want to share it. Once you make it, you’ll probably add it to your family favorites. It’s fast, easy, and my family loves it. I don’t make homemade biscuits anymore because the flour seems to...
This is my grandmother’s *Ollie Pear Woods* recipe from the old days when survival meant using EVERYTHING. left-over pinto beans made real juicy with extra water lots of red or green peppers {Grandma Woods grew her own} biscuit dough rolled out very thin and cut...
My grandfather, Thomas Elmer Woods, learned a lot from the Five Civilized Tribes: medicine, ceremonial dancing, and how to survive. After his mother died soon after giving birth to him and his twin sister, his sister was sent to live with relatives in the Pacific...
I’m traveling a different path with this blog as I discuss movies and the Lucky 7 (which I’ll explain later). How do they relate? They don’t! Bear with me, and we’ll have a little fun. The movie experience A fellow writer in our Facebook writing group recently posted...