Shake dulled-out readers and listeners of today out of the clouds and send them to the moon with writing that awakens every fiber in their souls! Make them cry! Make them laugh! Make them take stock of where they stand right here… right now… on their own...
If you can watch a passionate flamenco dance without becoming involved in either the music (toque), the song (cante), the beautifully coifed and outfitted dancer, or the enchanting dance (baile) itself . . . . . . then you must be related to Bueller’s economics...
Series: Keepin’ it real The latest rumors portend that you know who may be spitting out a print or digital or audible book EVERY SINGLE MINUTE. The market is totally saturated with everything from fabulous writing to absolute garbage. I lean heavily toward the...
What better to warm your insides and make you smile than a bowl of hearty, potato-ie chowder? This chowder recipe is easy and delicious. Everyone will want seconds, so make plenty. Want to know the difference of soup vs. chowder? Click HERE. Jodi’s Potato...
Wikipedia says Americans consume approximately 2.5 billion bowls of Campbell’s canned Tomato, Cream of mushroom, and Chicken Noodle Soup each year. I have to ask “Why?” Perhaps it’s because they never tasted really delicious homemade soup or stew? My...