Personally, I don’t see how we can survive these days without the Land of Ish. I mean, think about it. You’re due in a meeting at work at a certain time, say nine o’clock. You did everything you should have done to be there on time – got up early, out the door on...
Commas have never intentionally hurt you, have they? Okay, maybe you made a bad grade or two on a school paper because you used the two-inch rule; that is, you placed a comma every two inches on your term paper just to show your instructor you were seriously trying....
My personal advice to budding writers is not simply . . . WRITE! but dang near it. Like all writers and novelists, I followed a myriad of roads to be where I am today. I can see that many of my roads were constructed of circumstances. Yet, the gritty asphalt of the...
The recipe for conducting an excellent personal interview can be compared to making a delicious cake. Use the proper equipment, mix up a few high-quality ingredients, bake at the right temperature, add the icing, and voila! You have something the interviewee loves and...
The other day, a man named Scott came to fix the dishwasher in a house we lease. He was bowed in the shoulders and wore knee-high therapeutic socks. He walked slightly lopsided and breathed heavily with effort as he bent to check out the appliance. His knees hurt. His...