My Aunt Dora’s Light Bread Rocks!

- 2 cups lukewarm water
- 2 tsp. sugar
- 2 pkg. yeast
- 2 cups milk
- 5 Tbls. sugar
- 4-1/2 tsp. salt
- 5 Tbls. Crisco, melted
- 12 cups flour
Dissolve 2 teaspoons sugar in 1-cup water. Sprinkle yeast on top and let stand for 10 minutes. Scald milk. Add 5 Tablespoons sugar and the salt. Cool to lukewarm.
Add yeast mixture, remaining water and the flour. Beat well. Add melted shortening and enough of remaining flour to make easily handled dough. Knead until smooth and elastic.
Place in greased bowl and let rise until doubled in size. Punch down. Let dough rise again. Divide and make into two loaves. Let loaves rise until double in size.
Bake at 425-degrees for 15 minutes. Reduce heat to 375-degrees and bake for 30 minutes. Remove from pans onto a rack. Brush tops with butter.
Scalding milk: Old-fashioned but worthy in some cases
Pour milk into a saucepan. Heat until it becomes lightly frothy with tiny bubbles forming around the edges. Stir constantly to prevent scorching. If you use a thermometer, heat to about 180 degrees.
A Smaller Version of Aunt Dora’s Light Bread:
- ½ cup warm water
- ½ tsp. sugar
- ½ pkg. yeast
- ½ cup milk
- 1-1/4 Tbls. sugar
- 1-1/8 tsp. salt
- 1-1/4 Tbls. Crisco, melted
- 3 cups flour
Follow the same instructions as for the larger recipe using the reduced amounts of ingredients. Let rise. Punch down. Let rise. Punch down. Make into one small loaf or squeeze dough through index finger and thumb to form rolls. Let rise. Bake. Serve.
Comment: These are the amounts I reduced the recipe so Ralph (husband) and I could make a pan of rolls for one meal back in 1946 – Aunt Dora Woods (married to Woods kid: Ralph)
Comment: This is an old recipe, so I have learned lots of shortcuts in the way I add the ingredients and mix it. Such as, I use Carnation instant dry milk, so mix the right amount in lukewarm water and no more scalding, etc. Try your luck and use your own method of mixing – Aunt Dora Woods (married to Woods kid: Ralph)
Comment: Trust me, this is some of the most delicious bread you’ll ever put a slab of butter on – Jodi Lea Stewart
Jodi Lea Stewart is a fiction author who believes in and writes about the triumph of the human spirit through overcoming adversity via grit, humor, and stubborn tenacity. Her writing reflects her life beginning in Texas, Missouri, and Oklahoma, later moving as a youngster to an Arizona cattle ranch next door to the Navajo Nation, and, as a young adult, resuming in her native Texas. Growing up, she climbed petroglyph-etched boulders, bounced two feet in the air in the backend of pickups wrestling through washed-out terracotta roads, and rode horseback on the winds of her imagination through the arroyos and mountains of the Arizona high country. Her lifetime friendship with all nationalities, cowpunchers, and the southern gentry allows Jodi to write comfortably about anything in the Southwest, the South, and far BEYOND.
Watch the Book Trailer for THE GOLD ROSE HERE.
I have yet to see a recipe here that doesn’t leave me inspired to dash into the kitchen,and making my own bread is one of those things high on my to-try list. I especially look forward to trying out old recipes (something having to do with tried-and-true … ) and what’s not to love about warm from the oven bread?! It also occurs that this will go beautifully with that bean recipe I noticed down below this one …
Honestly, Jodi, but if I keep using your recipes I’m pretty sure my family will even consider renewing my contract.
You’re so funny! I’ll bet you couldn’t blow your family loose with a stick of dynamite, Barbara. Aunt Dora’s bread was always a huge hit at our family reunions. If you have any questions or run into any snags, just let me know. Heck, we’ll just ask Aunt Dora!
And even better, I got to your post through Triberr! Just fyi…
No way! That’s a bloomin’ miracle! Thanks so much for letting me know, Liv.
Yeah, Triberr led the way here. I absolutely love bread but am trying to stay away from it right now (the weight-loss thing), even though it looks yummy.
I know what you mean, Cora. I’m doing the weight-loss thing, too. What I’d like is to eat my way through one of these loaves fresh from the oven!